These Hats

When I stumbled across these hats I knew I needed to buy for each girl.  I wish I would have bought SIX (three for each girl). 



Because my life is super busy with four kids, I'm not trying to make a business out of my photography, I mostly do it for fun. However, I've been getting asked more and more and I have a hard time saying "no" to something I love so much. So because of the time investment to shoot the photos and proof them, I've decided to set a price. I'm going to charge $70 for a photo shoot...this can be family or kids and I'm willing to travel to location. About a week after the photo shoot I'll give you a disk with all the pictures and you are free to print them how you like. You can contact me by email at


I love photography. It's one of those hobbies that you feel there is always something more to learn, some way to improve and an infinite number of people and special moments to capture. I've decided to start a photo blog so I have a place to post pictures...some I've done for hire, most are just of my own kids.

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